For supper we had pizza and Kool-Aid. (no more caffeine for them) Then the girls made matching bracelets for their dolls and themselves. That took a long time. : )
They also fixed their dolls hair with some accessories we provided. Then everyone brushed their teeth and got in their sleeping bags to watch "Where The Wild Things Are." Off to dreamland they went.....HA!!! They were up until 4:30. The next morning they still found the energy to slide down the stairs in their sleeping bags.
It will take a few years to recover from this before I can be talked into it again. This is a good age for a sleepover though. They were really sweet girls. Happy Birthday Morgan!! I love you!
At 9 Morgan likes to read a little more than she did last year. You just have to find the right type of books for her. She loves to read to Sarah at night, but during the day she and Sarah really butt heads. She's just getting into the American Girl thing. She loves to go to church for Awana and choir. Of course she's a straight A student.
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