We just got back from a seven day vacation at Orange Beach with two of our couple friends. Between the three of us we have 10 children. We all stayed in the same condominium and we're all still friends. Our trip started out a little rough though. We left home Saturday the 31st and had only been on the road about 2 hours when our oldest daughter started throwing up. At first we thought maybe she was car sick, but it continued all day long. When we stopped for lunch we were about 45 minutes from our vacation destination and our youngest daughter threw up in Chic-fil-a. It's not just car sickness anymore. It's a virus. The couple we were traveling with was (I'm sure) looking forward to spending a week with us. My oldest daughter spent most of the first three days of vacation in her bedroom. My youngest is still running a temperature. The jelly fish were horrible the first two or three days, but after that things started to look up. We ended up having a great time. The jelly fish left with the virus and the waves got really big and fun. Our wonderful husbands took all the children to the aviation museum one day and the moms went shopping alone. It was great!