Madison has been taking drama this semester at the SAAC. They've worked on a play called "Sunday Afternoon in the Park'' taken from the painting by Seurat. It is an example of pointillism. Madison did a great job and she looked super cute in her costume. I'm going to try to attach a video I took with my cell phone. Okay the video will play with Real Player.
"The Name Jesus"
The choir from our church joined with a sister church in town Sunday and performed a Christmas musical called "The Name Jesus". The orchestra from our church played while we sang. Even the children's choir had a song. It was really good. We just have one more to go! The Children will be presenting "Christmas at Bethlehem Gulch" this Sunday night. Maybe we can rest a little after that. HA!
Christmas Pictures
Here are some pictures we took playing around between taking pictures for the Christmas Cards this year. Tina is really enjoying her camera and new software. She can do some pretty neat things with it. You'd never guess which faces have been changed and some other minor "fixes" she's done on these pictures.
Tina's Family
Our girls with Tess. Hutch wasn't quite old enough to pull off this pose.
Sarah Having FUN!

We tried to duplicate a cool picture from a wedding layout we saw. We never did get it just right, but it was fun anyway!
I just like this picture. Morgan ran up to my truck to meet me when I arrived and we were walking back to the gazebo to take the pictures. Notice her feet aren't even touching the ground.Morgan posing it up.

My beautiful girls!
The Hailey Elves
We had a little fun with the "Elf Yourself" site, Here are some of the other videos!
(For some reason the links won't work, you'll have to resort to the old "copy & paste" trick)
(For some reason the links won't work, you'll have to resort to the old "copy & paste" trick)
Goo Goo Goggles
Morgan came home with a sack full of stuff from school the other day which she apparently won from sending out magazine order requests. One of the things included was these straw goggles which she calls her goo goo goggles. Isn't she cute! I think they're a little gross because there is no way to take the lenses apart to clean inside them. One of the first things she used them with was MILK!
Farewell Game Night
Our dear friends Andy and Jenna are moving away Saturday. We are going to miss them a lot. The past two years we have had so much fun playing games, eating, going out, eating some more, and going on vacation together with them and Clay and Laura. Game night just won't be the same without Jenna cheating and yelling at Laura and I if we don't get something right. Tee Hee! Just kidding.... (sort of). Here are some pictures from Saturday night. We love you guys! Come back often!
Jenna and Andy
Laura talking smack to the TV.
Clay & his "mean face"
Halloween Night
The girls had a blast Halloween night. First we went and trick or treated Granny and Pop. Granny had lots of goodies for the girls, and Pop even got a little something for Scott and I. Then we headed to Aunt Sonya and Uncle Buddy's house. Sonya was ready with the camera as always. (Sonya you need to share!) Next we went to Momo Jan's house. She was prepared with healthy treats. Her treats included a banana, apple and bag of chips. Thanks everyone for all the treats!
After that we went to Harmony Grove Baptist Church for a fall festival. It had a western theme which included a horse ride. That was the whole reason Madison wanted to go. Thanks Mr. Agerton for inviting us. The girls has a wonderful time. Last we went home and loaded up on the trailer with the Owens and went house to house. We have way too much candy!
Halloween Skit and Play
Soccer Time
These are a few pictures from the soccer field last night. We've been playing soccer twice a week with Madison and Morgan. They usually have games at the same time each night. We're very grateful that the two fields they play on are right next to each other. Soccer is so much fun to watch! Some of the parents get a little too serious about it. It's great!
Halloween FUN!!
The Mission: Create a Halloween Party for Madison's 4th Grade Class.
The Goals:
1. Create a Super-Fun Halloween Night for 30 something 9 and 10 year-olds.
2. Scare them a little. . .okay, maybe a little more!
3. Weenie Roasts / Fun & Games / Costume Contest and all
4. Don't loose any of the kids. (very important)
After MUCH work from the group, I'd have to say: Mission Accomplished!
It all started with Tina's idea. She really wanted to throw Madison a 4th Grade Halloween Party. With the help from some friends I think we pulled it off! All the way down to a PUKING PUMPKIN Cake! Oh yeah, a puking pumpkin cake. That gal can do anything she puts her mind too. We had the sack races, egg races and costume contests. A big 'ole bond-fire & weenie roast. The hilarious part (or really, one of the hilarious parts of the entire night) was that it turned out that most of the parents that helped with the party are like us: they only have girls. We really didn't know what to do with all the boys. That became evident pretty quickly when right off the bat three boys got into a knock-down-drag-out fight. I headed over to break it up when one of them busted out laughing. The others joined in cracking up. Turns out, that's how 4th grade boys say hello. I'd forgotten!
Tina (of course) did a fabulous job decorating everything. She decorated the deck with Christmas lights and homemade ghosts made from milk jugs. It was almost as great as the puking pumpkin cake. We made several rounds with the hay-ride. The dad's that rode back there to watch out for them started making up a story about "Bloody Bones", a 14 year-old boy that hides in trees and scares kids. I don't know where they got that story, but it was the hit of the night.
The main thing is the kids had a wonderful time. They laughed and screamed and ate WAY too much sugar. We were very happy when we started seeing the parent's headlights rounding the corner. Many thanks need to go out to the Chris and LeAnn Cross, Jim and Suzanne Jones and Karla Goodwin. We couldn't have done it without you!
Morgan's already planning her party! Oh no!
Funny of the week
Monday Scott's sister came out to our house. She, Laura, and I are talking a photo class at the art center and Scott kept my niece, Addison, and Sarah. Anyway when Sonya arrived Sarah ran out to greet Avery. Aunt Sonya asked Sarah where we got the pretty mums on our front porch. Sarah told her, "At the sperm field." I guess that's what she calls the barn sale!
Block Pary
We had our first block party (Pine Valley Drive Party) Saturday night. Our new neighbors from Utah came up with the idea. It was a really good idea though, and we had a lot of fun. It's really sad that people have lived on our street for years that we have never officially met. We knew what car they drove and what house they belonged to but had never met them face to face. We set everything up in the cul-de-sac in front of our house. Jen and I called everyone and assigned them something to bring, and to my surprise they showed up. Scott borrowed the big grill from work, and we grilled 40 burgers and I don't know how many hot dogs. Our other neighbor Louis set up a barricade to keep cars from driving down and disturbing us. It all turned out really well. I feel sure we'll do it again.
Halloween Shirts
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